Friday, October 19, 2007

Week 3 : Flickr Blog Tool Exercise (thing #5)

This is one of the photos I took at Faerieworlds Festival earlier this year. Isn't she cool?! Anyway, I took advantage of the free Flickr account (and am planning on purchasing a Pro account for less than $30 a year for unlimited service!) and uploaded several dozens of my photos from Faerieworlds 2007 onto Flickr the other night. If you're interested in seeing the other photos I've uploaded so far they are all titled with beginning words of Faerieworlds 2007 -


Ladycady said...

How cool! I had no idea that there was a Faerieworld Festival. Is it open to everyone?

Book Faerie said...

Yes, Faerieworlds Festival is a huge public event. There is a link to their website on the right side of my blog: